No confidence motion is one of the motion of Parliamentary proceedings.

What is No Confidence motion?

It is a resolution introduced by the opposition claiming that the house has lost its confidence in the government. The ruling party must then prove its majority in the house to maintain confidence. If it loses the majority, the government will fall immediately. The government can remain in power as long as it has the majority in the Lok Sabha.

The no confidence motion allows them to question the ruling government, highlight their failures, and discuss them in the house. This motion also plays a significant role in uniting the opposition. If the motion is passed in the house, the entire cabinet, including the Prime Minister, must resign.

No confidence motion can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha. Rajya sabha does not enjoys this power because Article 75 says that Council of Minister shall be collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha. Hence no confidence motion is exclusive power of Lok Sabha.

The procedure for a No confidence motion

A no confidence motion is brought according to the rules of the Lok Sabha. Under rules 198(1) and 198(5) of the Lok Sabha, no confidence notion can be introduced only after the speaker has called upon it. The information about bringing it to the House has to be given in writing to the Secretary-General by 10 am. This motion requires the support of 50 members to be admitted. If the motion is passed, the President fixes one or more days for discussion. The President of India can also ask the government to prove its majority. If the government is unable to do so, the cabinet must resign, or else it will be dismissed.

Why in NEWS?

No trust motion against Modi government admitted in Lok Sabha.

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